Chemical: NPK - 19:19:19
All major nutrients are available in a single product in equal proportion. Its having low salt content which prevents clogging of drip system. As nutrient loss, which is common in ground application of fertilizers is avoided due to unique way of application, it enhances nutrient use efficiency.
A good source of nitrogen in all the 3 forms: amide, ammonical and nitrate forms Being a good source of all of the three macro nutrients, it helps the crop meet its major nutrition requirements.
It promotes good root development and shoot growth.
All crops
1 Kg & 25 Kg
Chemical: 13:00:45
Potassium Nitrate contains nitrate of nitrogen and water soluble potash. It helps crops resist abiotic stress situations. Useful at post bloom and physiological maturity stage. Helps in assimilation, translocation and formation of sugars.
Increases size and yield of fruits and seeds.
All crops
1 Kg & 25 Kg
Chemical: MAP 12:61:00
Mono ammonium Phosphate is a combination of two major nutrients. It is low in nitrogen, but rich in phosphorus. This is the best combination in initial stage of the crop.
Nitrogen : 12 %
Potassium : 61 %
Supply immediate requirement of nutrients to crops
Useful for new root growth and faster vegetative growth
Promotes proper growth of reproductive parts and fertilization in crops.
All crops
Drip application: 5 g/litre or as per schedule
Foliar application : 5 - 10 g per liter
Chemical: 00:00:50
Potassium Sulphate is a combination of potassium and sulphur which are required during physiological maturity of the crop. Potassium gives tolerance against environmental stress. Thus helps in growing crop healty.
Helps in controlling fungal diseases, like powdery mildew, when used for foliar application
All crops
1 Kg & 25 Kg
Chemical: Calcium Nitrate
Calcium nitrate is an important secondary nutrient for growth and development of crops. It is a excellent source of calcium for plants.
It increases the availability of nitrogen to the crop.
All crops
Pre-flowering to fruiting stage 2 to 3 times based on crop
1 Kg & 25 Kg
Chemical: Magnesium Sulphate
Magnesium Sulphate plays an important role in plant metabolism, respiration and activation of enzyme systems. Mg is an important constituent of the chlorophyll molecule. Photosynthesis depends on the content of chlorophyll. Therefore, the initial development of any crop will be suppressed if the availability of Magnesium is limited.
Activates many plant enzymes needed for growth and development Corrects Magnesium deficiency in plants which is an essential component for energy production and protein synthesis.
Improves chlorophyll content and photosynthesis of plants thus resulting in better growth and development.
All crops
1 Kg & 25 Kg
Chemical: Boron 20%
Boron is micronutrient fertilizer which plays a vital role in all the stages of plant’s Growth & Development. It is necessary for the essential function of crops like Cellular division, pollination, fruit setting, translocation of sugars and other plant metabolites.
Boron -20%
Improve size and shape of fruits.
All crops
Foliar Application: 1-2 g/litre.
500 g, 1 Kg & 25 Kg
Chemical: Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate
Zinc is an essential component for various enzymes for energy production in different crops. It regulates protein synthesis and growth in different crops. It prevent delayed maturity in crops.
Zinc: 21%
Regulates various metabolic activities.
All crops
1 Kg & 25 Kg